The dreaded day finally arrived. I had to take my one and only off to college (Iowa State). He was excited. I, on the other hand, was scared to leave my baby. OK, 18 isn't exactly a baby but those of you who have left your child on the curb holding a bean bag chair and
Needless to say. I was depressed. Could hardly go upstairs to bed...I'd have to pass by his empty room. Didn't get dressed for 2 days. My husband was starting to roll his eyes at me. He just didn't understand. So I thought maybe it was time to get out of my funk and find a purpose again. I'd have to start simple.
I'd start a new project, a quilt...that always makes me happy. But which one would I pick? I have so many kits, patterns and ideas it's a wonder that I made a decision. (You know sort of like Bret Farve!) So, like him, I made up my mind and here it is. The quilt is called Prairie Vine from the cover of BH&G Quilt Sampler magazine. I have 9 blocks completed. Only 21 more to go and of course the 9-patches and applique border. It does get my mind off my empty nest and that makes my husband happier too. And yes, I am dressed and feeling human again!
Enjoy the pictures!
Happy quilting,