It has been a while since I have written on my blog. It's not that my life has been boring or that nothing is going on. It's the opposite! Sew many quilts, sew much fabric, and tons of things to do. But when my life seems to be spinning out of control there are those moments when the simplest things happen. They remind me that life shouldn't be taken so seriously. Enjoy the day. Make someone smile. My cat Hazel makes me I hope these pictures of her will make you smile. I guess she has found a different use than I have for both my quilts and my fabric. Have a great day...Spring is around the corner.
Also, 2 pictures of quilts I have finished recently.
Jo's Little Women Club - Autumn Crossing
Scrapbaggers Challenge, Black & White + One - Pretty in Pink
My Challenge quilt along with other Black & White + One challenge quilts will be on display with approx. 70 other quilts at the Eagan High School's Library. The show is held in conjunction with celebrating "Women in History" month. For more information go to: